Subbing Procedure

If you are curious how we do things here in Asian Entertainment Online Team, here's the step by step process:

-Be a member of Viki Community by signing up at
-Check the channels you want to help out and ask for permission from the Channel manager
-Videos need to be segmented first before it can be subbed. (Segmenters)
-Once video is 100% segmented, subbers can start translating (Subbers)
-Once it has been translated, Moderators will start editing/QA check. (Moderators and Channel Managers)

-Raw videos need to be downloaded and converted to .avi if necessary. (Project Manager)
-Videos need to be timed in preparation for subbing (Timers)
-After timing, translation will start (Subbers)
-Once videos have been subbed 100%, they need to go through QA check for errors. (Editors and Project Manager)
-Subs will be encoded/hard-subbed to the video. (Encoder)
-They will then be uploaded to video sharing sites. (Project Manager)